I've had some interesting experiences with online dating and it has truly been an adventure in how many fools can I find online. LOL! In future posts, I will share more but for now I will just introduce my experiences. I like to call me dating posts, "Dating According to Tiki!"
You may ask why am I finding guys online. Well, I don't go out much. I am a hermit and I don't club or go to the other places where most people meet. Honestly, I've never liked meeting men in a club because to me it seems they only have one thing in mind. You know what I'm talking about...
I will admit I have had one good encounter with meeting someone in the parking lot of a club. I ended up dating that person for five years. So, it's not all bad but I just prefer not to meet men that way.
Anywho, I digress. Another reason why I prefer meeting men online, it allows me to weed out some people fairly quickly without sharing too much information. It takes me a bit to get to the point where I am willing to share my phone number. Even then, I give them my google voice number and not my real cell phone number. Yes, I have a separate number that I share. I will get into the why on having a different phone number when I discuss my online dating tips.
I am trying to get out more but I still prefer to meet people online and weed out some of the mess. I can tell within the first conversation or two if this is going anywhere. If not, I will hit you with the, "I need to get back to work. I will give you a call later." Later never happens. Now, there are some that I can say straight up this won't work. However, you will meet some that you know can't or won't take being straight up too well.
So, get ready to hear more about my dating adventures. Feel free to share yours. I know I can't be the only person that has funny online dating stories.
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