
Saturday, October 11, 2014

The Basics of My Online Dating Adventures!

I've had some interesting experiences with online dating and it has truly been an adventure in how many fools can I find online. LOL! In future posts, I will share more but for now I will just introduce my experiences. I like to call me dating posts, "Dating According to Tiki!"

You may ask why am I finding guys online. Well, I don't go out much. I am a hermit and I don't club or go to the other places where most people meet. Honestly, I've never liked meeting men in a club because to me it seems they only have one thing in mind. You know what I'm talking about...

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Stepping Out On Faith...Making Blogging My Focus

I've said so many times on Grow It Girl, "Blogging is something you do because you love it, not to make money." I love having my blogs but I realized that I was not able to dedicate as much time to them as I would've liked. I was working crazy hours at a job that I hated. Now, I am no longer working there and I feel that a weight has been lifted, literally. I can't explain the feeling but we won't go too far into that experience.